10 tips to get ready for a work promotion
10 top tips to get ready for a work promotion The idea of a work promotion is an exciting one, often laden with all the benefits you'd expect such as increased salary, bonus, better benefits, higher status and responsibility. But the process of getting ready for a...
Developing Leadership Presence
3 Ways to Develop your Leadership PresenceAs you become more senior at work, situations and challenges tend to become more uncertain and open-ended with no obvious solution. Problems become more complicated and personalities are more difficult to manage. The...
9 reasons you’ll need courage for your next promotion
9 reasons why you'll need courage for a senior-level work promotion If you're embarking on a lengthy and challenging internal senior-level promotion process, you're going to need courage, resilience and perseverance. It's not meant to be an easy process, but for some,...
The Art of Miscommunication – and 7 ways to avoid it
The Art of Miscommunication - and 7 ways to avoid it Have you ever been misunderstood in a conversation at work? Perhaps it suddenly it became obvious that the other person had completely misunderstood something you said, leaving you feeling confounded as to how that...
7 steps to develop influence
Improve your influence as you progress Expectations of your ability to influence increase as you move up through an organisation. The more senior you become, the more influence you need to sell your ideas, close sales, negotiate successful outcomes and persuade others...